The Best Trading Podcasts For Global Macro Investors

These days we’re flooded with information with barely enough time to digest it all. To help solve this, our team at Macro Ops tunes into trading podcasts. That’s why we put together a list of the best macro podcasts any global investor can benefit from in their spare time.With trading podcasts, all those hours you spend driving, doing chores, or working out can also be used to catch up on markets and learn something new.Below you’ll find a list of the best trading podcasts we listen to on a monthly basis to keep our game sharp. We’ve separated them into two categories — process-based and news/commentary/narrative based.The process-based podcasts help us develop our macro trading strategies while the commentary helps round out our global macro research. We find both very useful. 

Best Process-Based Macro Trading Podcasts


The AlphaMind Podcast

This is one of our favorites listens for getting into the nuts and bolts of successful trading and investing. Topics they typically cover are mindset, psychology, risk control, trading strategies, and a bunch of other things of a practical nature. We suggest starting with the Jason Shapiro episode (link here). 

Market Champions hosted by Srivatsan Prakash

We’re admittedly biased with this pick, as Sri is a longtime member of our Collective. But, bias aside, this is a killer podcast and Sri routinely gets some of the most well-known names on his show. The pod ranges from topical macro discussions to deep dives into trading and investment theory. We’d suggest starting with his interview with Jim Leitner (link here). 

Invest Like The Best

Patrick O’Shaughnessy is one of the best interviewers in this space. And he gets a wide range of interesting guests on his show. The pod covers a bunch of topics from private equity investing, to running a prop shop, to tracking lions on the African plains. Start with this episode with VC legend, Bill Gurley and Chetan Puttagunta (link here). 

The Value Hive

Yeah, we’re plugging our own show here. But only because it’s good. Brandon, our resident value investor, runs this pod. It’s focused on all things value investing, but with a macro bent. He routinely covers investment picks, investment philosophy, and market takes. Start with this interview with HF manager Dan McMurtrie (link here). 

The Meb Faber Show

Meb is another staple in our podcast diet. He covers markets, investing, macro, geopol, and everything in between. Give this discussion with Goldman Sach’s Jeff Currie on ESG and commodities a listen (link here). 

Flirting With Models

This is a quantitative and vol/option-focused podcast hosted by Corey Hoffstein. If you’re into vol/options trading then Flirting with Models is a must-listen. He and his guest routinely dive into the esoteric of the quant world. Start with this interview with Hari Krishnana on market tremors and tail hedging (link here). 

Behind The Balance Sheet

Stephen Clapham is a friend of MO and an excellent interviewer. His show dives into investing theory and market frameworks. If you’re looking to improve your investing game, then this show is a must-listen. Start with this talk with Chris Pavese, the CIO of Broyhill Asset Management (link here). 

Best News/Commentary/Narrative-Based Macro Trading Podcasts


Bloomberg's Oddlots

Oddlots is one of our favorite weekly listens. Joe and Tracy are smart interviewers and get into the weeds of whatever is the pressing macro topic of the day. Start with this interview with Marko Papic on what markets got wrong about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (link here). 

Macrohive Conversations

Bilal Hafeez is a solid interviewer and routinely gets interesting names on the pod, where they talk pressing macros issues and geopolitical developments. Check out his interview with Deigo Parilla on inflation, anti-bubbles, and the problem with stop losses (link here). 


This is a short (15min) and to-the-point weekly rundown of macro and market technicals each week, with the Renmac team. It’s a great resource for getting quickly caught up on what matters (link here). 

Capital Allocators Podcast

Ted Seides is a skilled interviewer and he occasionally gets some fantastic and publically shy guests on the show. The podcast is geared towards allocators (hence the name) but he often gets into investing process, dissecting current events, and general macro discussions. Start with this talk with Louis Vincent Gave (link here). 

In Search of Green Marbles

Run by Weiss Multi-Strategy Advisers, this podcast hosts interviews focused on big thematic macro developments. It’s a good source of food for thought. Start with this interview with Jordi Visser on the intersection of biology and technology (link here). 

Hidden Forces

Hosted by Demetri Kofinas, Hidden Forces covers a wide range of topics from markets to geopolitics and discussions on history. The first hour of the interviews are free, the second are paywalled. But you get enough out of the free bit that makes this podcast worth putting in your rotation. Start with this talk with two geopol experts on everything China (link here). 

From The Best Macro Trading Podcasts To The Best Books

If you’re interested in a thorough global macro book list, be sure to check out our rundown of the best global macro books here.And if you’d like to see how our team trades, check out the Macro Ops Handbook here.


On Form and Technique (in Poker and Trading)


Value Investing Q3 Letter Recaps: EMBRAC_B, JOE, and API